How To Change Engine Air Filter on a Porsche 911 (996)

Maintenance Interval 4 Years or 30,000 Miles (48,000 Kilometers)
Estimated Dealer Cost $200
Estimated Independent Mechanic Cost $100
Estimated DIY Cost $30
Repair Time 0.2 hours
DIY Difficulty Easy

The engine air filter plays a vital role in protecting your engine as it stops various debris particles from entering and causing damage. As debris adds up with every mile traveled, the air filter will reach its maximum dirt absorption capacity at some point. When this happens, the air flow resistance rises and affects the engine’s performance. So, it is important to replace the air filter at your vehicle’s specified maintenance interval. However, you may need to change your air filter sooner depending on your driving conditions.

This is a very easy DIY that even a beginner can do. It will also save you a lot of money versus going to a dealership. For an overview of how to perform this DIY procedure, check out the tutorial above from Auto Amateur. More detailed instructions can be found below.

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Hand tighten fasteners

Step-by-Step Instructions:

Step 1: Prepare your vehicle and work area

  • Ensure engine is cold, so you don’t burn yourself.
  • Gather tools and parts and put on gloves.
  • Open engine cover.

Step 2: Remove the engine air box lid

  • Start by removing the oil filler tub from the air box by simply pulling it upward and move it out of the way.
  • Unscrew the numerous Phillips screws around the perimeter of the air box. You don’t have to remove the screws, but, if you do, be careful not to drop any.
  • With the screws fully loosened, lift up the air box lid to gain access to the engine air filter.

Step 3: Replace the engine air filter

  • Remove the old air filter and replace it with the new one.
  • Make sure the new engine air filter is properly seated in the air box.

Step 4: Reinstall everything

  • Put the air box lid back in place and hand tighten the fasteners.
  • Reattach the oil filler tube.
  • Clean up your work area and put away your tools.
  • You’re all done!

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